About The Learner

Healing comes through processing, and this is where I'm making space to do so. It doesn't matter if anyone ever finds or reads any of this. Putting my stories down in writing helps me understand myself better and continue my journey, living this life... learning as I go... loving better... and growing all the time.


My earliest memories of my grandma are from when I was probably around 3 years old. I'm unsure whether I remember these firsthand or have seen them in home videos over the years, but I can vividly picture the orchard out behind the home they lived in. I'd ride in a trailer she pulled behind her lawnmower, and we'd get out near the trees and walk around a bit, sometimes meandering into the woods. She was always pruning and weeding and that trailer behind the mower, when not filled with grandkids, was filled with trimmings for the burn pit.  I remember playing gnip gnop in the basement of their home, and having sleepovers. They had a waterbed, and I couldn't get over how cool it was to have a bed full of water. The precious moments knick-knacks on their mirrored headboard shelves were my favorite to play with. I remember the decor, especially the placement of two pieces that eventually were passed down to my husband and I in our first home... a big, heavy orange hide-a-bed couch, and a bathroom cabinet with wheat stamped into the tin on the door. My memories go on to when they moved 'up north'. That period of my life, from around age 5 to age 13, we lived a few hours south of my Grandparents, and there were frequent weekend visits and lots of driving. I'd come visit on the weekends, and I remember the rhythmic movement of keys in the ignition, her snoopy keychain clinking against her elongated metal circle - I think it said something about being a Grandma on it. I looked forward to my time with my grandparents, escaping the city for the country, where I was free to roam. We'd often stop at the buckhorn saloon for pizza [...]

2023-08-18T00:19:29-04:00May 7, 2023|

A Poem for the Brave Lion

Even Stronger   Sometimes I wish There was a magic button I'd press it and your troubles would subside It pains me to see your pain I don't want you to hurt   Sometimes I wish You could you yourself the way I see you A beautiful soul, a breathtaking young woman   Sometimes I wish I had strength to not wish easy on you I want to guard Shield Protect your heart   But I know that easy isn't worth it Easy teaches nothing   A wildfire takes out a forest New life sprouts from ashes Just like you will emerge from these depths Even stronger

2023-08-17T22:52:28-04:00March 17, 2023|
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